Faculty Fellows

The ILC Faculty Fellows are a group of leadership scholars from a variety of disciplines, all with an interest in leadership research and education.  Funded by the Illinois Leadership® Center, up to four fellows are selected annually and are given a discretionary fund of $2500 per year to support their leadership research and scholarly activities. The appointment lasts for one academic year and may be renewed for up to three years via reapplication.

Interested in becoming a Faculty Fellow for the Illinois Leadership Center?

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Applications are NOT currently being accepted for the 2024 - 2025 academic year.  Click the button below to learn about the application process!

Current Faculty Fellows

A picture of Brant Murray

Brant Murray (he/him/his)

Teaching Assistant Professor and Chair of Lighting Design and Technology, Department of Theatre, College of Fine and Applied Arts

Murray’s research interests include developing stronger servant leadership in the arts by focusing on emotional intelligence development for a sustainable future.  This research will concentrate on developing stronger student, faculty, and staff servant leaders by exploring the five attributes of emotional intelligence (EQ), the nine areas of cognitive skills, and how these attributes and skills may be strengthened to increase a person’s EQ.  As a Level 1 Mental Health Ambassador, Murray is concentrating on student wellness and mental health during the ongoing pandemic.  He recently co-authored “Placing Emotional Intelligence Development Center Stage: A centralized and coherent focus on emotional intelligence during the production process can build a more sustainable future and ensure stronger future leaders.” This article was presented in the Winter 2023 issue of Theatre Design & Technology magazine, published by USITT (United States Institute of Theatre Technology). 

As a lighting designer, Murray recently created the lighting design adaptation for Steps in the Street (excerpt from Chronicle), originally choreographed by Martha Graham in 1936, with original lighting design by Jean Rosenthal.  In collaboration with the Martha Graham Dance Company, and regisseurs Miki Orihara and Elizabeth Auclair, these performances were seen as part of October Dance 2023, produced by Dance at Illinois.  Previously he was the lighting designer for Joy of Regathering, a collaboration with the Beckman Institute, the Departments of Theatre, Chemistry, Dance, Physics, and the School of Music, which began the Fall 2022 semester.

Brant received his MFA in Lighting Design from the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama and his BS in Architecture (Drama Minor) from the University of Virginia School of Architecture.

A picture of Yusaku Takeda

Yusaku Takeda (he/him/his)

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration (Organizational Behavior and Business Law Group), Gies College of Business

Yusaku’s research touches on areas at the intersection of organizational theory, economic sociology, and strategic management. As a cross-level organizational theorist, his work focuses on firm evolution, organizational adaptation, and strategic change in changing institutional, cultural, and technological environments. He uses qualitative and mixed methods to analyze archival data, interviews, and surveys. Yusaku earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Harvard University and a B.A. in Social Studies from Wesleyan University. He is originally from Hokkaido, Japan

Yusaku has a third-degree black belt with 23 years of experience practicing and competing in Judo. He currently teaches at the local club in Champaign and competes at the regional and national levels occasionally. Another hobby of his includes keeping and breeding beetles. Before developing his interest in social sciences (as a study of human social behavior), he wanted to become an entomologist studying the social behaviors of insects, such as leaf-cutting ants and the communication patterns of fireflies.


Former Faculty Fellows

Meet Our Former Faculty Fellows Here!

Dr. Olivia Campos Coiado


Former Teaching Associate Professor & Director of Student Research, College Carle Illinois College of Medicine and Department Bioengineering

Dr. Coiado’s research interests include leadership, compassion, active-learning, education, innovative pedagogies, bioinstrumentation, and innovation.  Her current project seeks to nurture creativity in healthcare innovation, whether through engineering-based invention or service redesign. Future developments of this project will be driven by her research and evaluation in two stages: 1) identifying opportunities of innovation in the social context of small groups and 2) developing of assessment tools (rubrics) about the efficacy of the creativity and leadership. The results of this project will serve as educational development for instructors and enhancement of innovation, creativity, and leadership skills for graduate students.

Osly J. Flores


Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership

Flores’s research interest focuses on two educational research areas: K-12 school leadership and graduate students of color. In K-12 research, he examines race-consciousness school leadership and his research on graduate students of color, concentrates on their persistence within predominantly white institutions (PWIs), and the development of the Latino male bond of compañerismo as a tool to successfully navigate the doctoral program.

Flores is a huge Boston area sports fan—including New England Patriots, Boston Red Sox, and Boston Celtics.

V Chunoo 


Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications (ALEC) Program
College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences (ACES)

V’s research centers on students’ full and equitable participation in leadership learning as a means to create a more socially just world. He is currently evaluating a national leadership development experience along the dimensions of social justice advocacy and subjective norms.

Rachel Roegman


Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, College of Education 

Roegman’s research examines the interconnections of equity, contexts, and leadership, with attention to the development and support of equity-focused school and district leaders. Their work is influenced by Roegman’s experiences as a public school teacher and their commitment to anti-racist practice.

Learn more about Rachel Roegman

Chadly Stern

Assistant Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Stern’s research seeks to understand the psychological mechanisms that lead individuals to form representations of leaders that are biased against darker skinned people and design interventions to foster support for darker skinned leaders.

Learn more about Chadly Stern

Jasmine Collins

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications (ALEC) Program, College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences (ACES)

Collins is current research project examines college involvement, occupational trajectory, and demographic influences on students' multicultural competence and racial justice advocacy behavior at land grant universities.

Learn more about Jasmine Collins

Dr. Nichelle Carpenter

Assistant Professor, Psychology & Labor and Employee Relations
The Eye of the Beholder: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Convergence between Leader and Observer Perceptions of Leadership

The convergence between a leader’s assessment of his/her leadership behaviors and assessments from the leader’s subordinates, peers, and superiors—also known as “leader insight”—is critical for the understanding of leadership and is also linked to important organizational and leader outcomes. Unfortunately, many questions remain regarding the extent to which leaders have insight into their leadership behaviors. This study examines whether leaders’ perceptions of their leadership behaviors are similar to or different from observers’ perceptions. We also investigate whether leader-observer agreement is influenced by type of observer and type of leadership.  

To see a video of Dr. Carpenter talking about her research, click here.

Dr. Ying Chen

Assistant Professor,  Labor and Employment Relations

The Effects of Congruence in Member and Leader Organizational Identification on Work Outcomes

Drawing on social identity theory and self-categorization theory, we integrated research on shared social identity and identity threat to examine the effects on work outcomes of congruence vs. incongruence in both members’ and leaders’ identification with their organization. A multi-level polynomial regression analysis showed that when members and leaders were congruent in their organizational identification, they enjoyed higher (member) job satisfaction, higher (leader) organizational citizenship behaviors, and member-leader agreement on the member’s performance rating. Our results demonstrated further that incongruence affected member and leader outcomes, in that a comparatively higher level of organizational identification on the part of one led to relatively higher job satisfaction and OCBO for that party in contrast to when that party’s organizational identification was comparatively lower.

Dr. Joey Cheng

Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

To Lead by Force or Persuasion? Prestige and Dominance as Two Fundamental Pathways to Informal Leadership

The avenues through which people gain influence over others within groups are seemingly varied. Do these different strategies effectively promote one’s ability to influence group decisions? What effects do they, when used by leaders, have on team success and follower well-being? My research examines how two fundamental avenues to informal leadership—prestige (i.e., earning respect via competence to increase persuasion) and dominance (i.e., relying on fear to induce compliance)—influence individual- and group-level outcomes. Broadly speaking, my research focuses on the psychological and biological processes that underpin leadership in groups, teams, and organizations. 

Dr. Kathryn Clancy

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, PEEC, Beckman Institute

Double Whammies in Workplace Harassment: Implications for University Leadership

Dr. Clancy (Anthropology, PEEC, Beckman Institute) has examined workplace harassment in two academic science populations: fieldwork conducted by field scientists, and workplaces among astronomers and planetary scientists. She has found that gendered violence disproportionately affects female trainees and is often perpetrated by supervisors, representing a double whammy of gender and rank targeting. She has also found that women of color experience the highest rates of hostile workplace behaviors, representing a double whammy of gender and race targeting. Clancy discusses the ways in which intersectional approaches offer an opportunity for university leaders to eliminate harassment.

To see a video of Dr. Clancy talking about her research, click here. 

Dr. K Peter Kuchinke

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership

The Utility of University-Based Leadership Development in Early Employment

Dr. Kuchinke has worked as a researcher and as a consultant in corporate settings in leadership development for some 20 years and has observed the complexities of leadership practice and the challenges of effective leadership development firsthand.  His appointment as a Faculty Fellow is providing the opportunity to provide an ‘outside-in’ view of university-based leadership development, that is to better understand how the skills, knowledge, attitudes and other characteristics gained through involvement in Leadership Center activities transfer to early employment, defined as the first two years of full-time work after graduation. In a first study, Dr. Kuchinke will contrast the expectations that university juniors and seniors who are involved in various levels of intensity in formal levels of leadership development with the actual experiences of recent graduates with similar leadership preparation in their first two years of employment. This study involves UIUC and the University of Minnesota, with hopes of contrasting two leadership development models and settings and two different settings, one college-town based, the other in a major urban environment. In a second phase, employers will be surveyed to gain an understanding of the importance ranking of different leadership competencies from the organizational perspective and to learn how the transfer of leadership behaviors in college graduates can be maximized.

Simon Restubog

Professor, Labor and Employment Relations

Restubog research examines the “dark side” of leadership such as abusive supervision. He is currently exploring the role of parental differential treatment by a leader’s parents on their predisposition to engage in hostile acts toward subordinates.

Dr. David Rosch

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership Education

Examining the Process of Leadership Learning

Many people believe that: a) leadership cannot be learned – that people either “have it” or they do not; and b) that regardless, measuring the degree of leader capacity is next to impossible.  My research is focused on these two areas, 1) Mapping the trajectory of leadership development in young adults as a result of participation in programmatic intervention; and 2) rigorously assessing the methodology of leadership evaluation.

To see a video of Dr. Rosch talking about his research, click here. 

Dr. Nathan Todd

Professor, Department of Psychology

Leading for Social Change

Leaders work for social justice and change in their larger communities.  My research examines how and why individuals and groups work together for social justice.  In particular, we examine the role of religion and spirituality in shaping social justice attitudes and actions.  We focus on religious settings, such as congregations and interfaith groups, as places that may provide opportunity for social justice action.  We also investigate how to engage people from privileged groups (e.g., people who are White in the U.S.) in social justice with an interest in how religious beliefs and religious settings may facilitate such engagement.

To see a video of Dr. Todd talking about his research, click here.